i live in a privated rented house. For the last 6 months there has been something wrong with the boiler. it started as a hot water problem in that it just wouldnt give any SOMETIMES (this word is the key) then the boiler would just conk out (sorry dont know what other word to use) but it just stops working completly and has a red flasing light. When this happens i reset it for 5 secs and sometimes it works and sometimes not. (more often not) My landlord has sent HIS plumber out at least 10-15 times and out of so many times it mocks me and starts working as soon as he resets it. on 2 or 3 times has it not worked for him and he has changed some parts inculding curcit board one of the poliot lights and a part for the hot water.
This has been the most stressful thing i have a young baby and being winter cannot stay in the house when its not working so have to stay with parents and everytime it seems to work for a day or two and we arrange to go home it goes again and we cant. its got to the point where i cant trust it enough to live there and the landlord thinks im lying and the plumber laughs at me!!! I am currently trying to move but even at best this will take a month or more and staying with my parents is becoming unbearable!
I have videos and pics of the boiler which i made just to remind myself im not going crazy!
any plumbers out there pls help any advice would be massivly appriciated! if you need any further info no probs
thank you
i live in a privated rented house. For the last 6 months there has been something wrong with the boiler. it started as a hot water problem in that it just wouldnt give any SOMETIMES (this word is the key) then the boiler would just conk out (sorry dont know what other word to use) but it just stops working completly and has a red flasing light. When this happens i reset it for 5 secs and sometimes it works and sometimes not. (more often not) My landlord has sent HIS plumber out at least 10-15 times and out of so many times it mocks me and starts working as soon as he resets it. on 2 or 3 times has it not worked for him and he has changed some parts inculding curcit board one of the poliot lights and a part for the hot water.
This has been the most stressful thing i have a young baby and being winter cannot stay in the house when its not working so have to stay with parents and everytime it seems to work for a day or two and we arrange to go home it goes again and we cant. its got to the point where i cant trust it enough to live there and the landlord thinks im lying and the plumber laughs at me!!! I am currently trying to move but even at best this will take a month or more and staying with my parents is becoming unbearable!
I have videos and pics of the boiler which i made just to remind myself im not going crazy!
any plumbers out there pls help any advice would be massivly appriciated! if you need any further info no probs
thank you