just a quick one kind of looked at a job on sat morn 16 rads at the moment extension going on with a further 5 rooms with en suites which means 5 extra rads will be no bigger than 600x500 the origional rads are between 600x700 through to 600x1000 no bigger done a few rough calculations on site oh forgot to say all en suites will be running elec showers as its going to be a guest house and they def want a combi two other companys quoted a 42cdi in my opinian is total madness i reckon a 550 high flow has to be a worcester as we are accredited. and the customer is set on a worcester hot water think will be ok for that many outlets its the amount of rads thats worrying me also how m uch 28mm needs to come off this beast before i reduce to 22mm cheers guys