Hi folks...
As the title says im only getting luke warm water. As the case usally is, the water was hot infact to hot so turned the thermostat on the storagetank down to 65, for a few weeks this was fine..
come the cold spell of weather we had the water was fine, still nice and hot but now recently say past week the hot water has been luke warm at best.
Usally we turn the heating on and we get hot water and heating. If we turn the hot water on, then what ever the temp is set to on the tank ( 65 in this case ) then we still get hot water and the rads a to hot to touch..
Obviously something isnt right with the setup but to be honest we arent bothered about that we just want to be able to have a bath in some hot water.. instead of taking a shower everytime. 🙁
Pipe work wise.. everypipe is roasting hot.. turn the pump down to number 2, pipes get even hotter., the honeywell box, with Auto - open ( i think for bleeding the system ) i think is shafted as the lever dont do crap all. and another like split valve ( blue in colour ) with 3 pipes into it dont seem to do nothing.. just sits there, but again thats red hot..
its a back boiler system on gas naturally.
Any ideas folks.. 😀
As the title says im only getting luke warm water. As the case usally is, the water was hot infact to hot so turned the thermostat on the storagetank down to 65, for a few weeks this was fine..
come the cold spell of weather we had the water was fine, still nice and hot but now recently say past week the hot water has been luke warm at best.
Usally we turn the heating on and we get hot water and heating. If we turn the hot water on, then what ever the temp is set to on the tank ( 65 in this case ) then we still get hot water and the rads a to hot to touch..
Obviously something isnt right with the setup but to be honest we arent bothered about that we just want to be able to have a bath in some hot water.. instead of taking a shower everytime. 🙁
Pipe work wise.. everypipe is roasting hot.. turn the pump down to number 2, pipes get even hotter., the honeywell box, with Auto - open ( i think for bleeding the system ) i think is shafted as the lever dont do crap all. and another like split valve ( blue in colour ) with 3 pipes into it dont seem to do nothing.. just sits there, but again thats red hot..
its a back boiler system on gas naturally.
Any ideas folks.. 😀