Hi all, went to take a look at a boiler the other day as the customer complained it was noisy, i found it was noisy as it was kettling and getting to high temp so fast that the boiler is cutting out within 5 mins of it being lit,
Its an old glow worm open flued boiler cant remember the model tho. my suspicion is that the heat exchanger is badly scaled up or the burner pressure is way to high. is there any way of being able to descale it i.e de-scaler chemicals. but without causing to much damage in the process, its an ancient boiler but the customers are also very old and havent got the money to replace the boiler, i dont want to waste their money on trying to de scale it if its not possible to do so.
anyone got any advice on solutions to this little problem, or any other reasons for the boiling noises?
Its an old glow worm open flued boiler cant remember the model tho. my suspicion is that the heat exchanger is badly scaled up or the burner pressure is way to high. is there any way of being able to descale it i.e de-scaler chemicals. but without causing to much damage in the process, its an ancient boiler but the customers are also very old and havent got the money to replace the boiler, i dont want to waste their money on trying to de scale it if its not possible to do so.
anyone got any advice on solutions to this little problem, or any other reasons for the boiling noises?