I have a baxi bahama combi boiler. I noticed the pressure was lowish the other day so after bleeding radiators, repressurised after switching everything off. (Pressure now bang on middle of green)
After turning system on, pressure kept rising and now, although at top of green when off, goes up in red when on.
Have taken about 4 bucketfulls of water out of system by using bleeding (literally) valve when system off and standing like a pillock with bucket. Made no difference.
Am very nervous system going to pack up over weekend. Lovely man who does our system can't come till next week and doesn't want to give advice on phone.
Any suggestions ? Should I be taking more water out (we have long thin house) so system must have miles of pipes.
thank you in advance,
After turning system on, pressure kept rising and now, although at top of green when off, goes up in red when on.
Have taken about 4 bucketfulls of water out of system by using bleeding (literally) valve when system off and standing like a pillock with bucket. Made no difference.
Am very nervous system going to pack up over weekend. Lovely man who does our system can't come till next week and doesn't want to give advice on phone.
Any suggestions ? Should I be taking more water out (we have long thin house) so system must have miles of pipes.
thank you in advance,