Hi, first post so apologies if technical language is wrong!
background: last 20 years we have had a 5 bedroom house with a boiler that was new 20 years ago. Separate hot water and radiator circuits. All radiators heated quickly and were of an even temperature top to bottom and inlet to outlet (roughly).
new build house, 3 zones with room stats, 2 underfloor heating areas. Condenser boiler.
only one radiator in the house is an even temperature from top to bottom, the majority are hot at the top and cold at the bottom. Some even after the heating has been on for 12 hours are not properly warm at the top.
the main bedroom has the radiator that is an even temperature but the other radiator in the room barely reaches warm after the heating has been on for 12 hours. I have checked all the TRVs and they are all open. I have even taken the TRV off and left them open.
centre of the house is warm but several of the rooms never get above about 10-12 degC over the weekend.
I measured the temperature of the inlet and outlet valve metal bodies on a few radiators with a type K thermocouple I had. Inlet temperature was 50-52 and outlet was 25-27.
Are these findings normal for a condenser boiler or should I be asking the builder some questions? I don't want to hassle if this is just a new heating system I need to get used to.
background: last 20 years we have had a 5 bedroom house with a boiler that was new 20 years ago. Separate hot water and radiator circuits. All radiators heated quickly and were of an even temperature top to bottom and inlet to outlet (roughly).
new build house, 3 zones with room stats, 2 underfloor heating areas. Condenser boiler.
only one radiator in the house is an even temperature from top to bottom, the majority are hot at the top and cold at the bottom. Some even after the heating has been on for 12 hours are not properly warm at the top.
the main bedroom has the radiator that is an even temperature but the other radiator in the room barely reaches warm after the heating has been on for 12 hours. I have checked all the TRVs and they are all open. I have even taken the TRV off and left them open.
centre of the house is warm but several of the rooms never get above about 10-12 degC over the weekend.
I measured the temperature of the inlet and outlet valve metal bodies on a few radiators with a type K thermocouple I had. Inlet temperature was 50-52 and outlet was 25-27.
Are these findings normal for a condenser boiler or should I be asking the builder some questions? I don't want to hassle if this is just a new heating system I need to get used to.