What to charge is a hard one.
I may get a call to a job, say 10 miles away, a shower not working properly?? A couple of questions to the customer on the phone and i would 90% know the problem before i arrived. Stuff in van because i carry stock and job done in an hour + travel, charge £90 + vat labour + materials, 100% guaranteed fix (actual job on wednesday).
Now some may think £90+ vat (105.75) is expensive for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs time but is it really? What they also paid for was knowledge and experience.
Some one with less knowledge and experience may go look at the job, spend an hour or so figuring out what the problem is. Go to the merchants for the parts, back to job and fit, no joy! Spend a bit more time rethinking it. Back to the merchants. 1 hour to fix and done. Best part of a day spent on the job.
£25/hr x 6 hrs = £150 (probably no vat) + materials.
Which is the better value?
To those who don't know any better £150 + materials may seem a good price as you were there most of the day.
If i were to charge the same for an hours time they would think i was robbing them.
I'm not but i know what i'm doing!
Btw I don't have the time to spin a job out to make more money.
I agree with some of what you say but obviously you have never worked for yourself (SC60?)
£12/hr + insurance (£12.50) get real.
The cost of a van doesn't count???????????
How many employers have you ever known to take the van costs off an employee?
Do you know what it costs to run a van? Well i'll tell you.
220/ month lease + approx £400 fuel and running costs (transit).
Holiday and welfare stamps, pension contributions (which as you should know are good) @7.5% of gross wages, employers liability, PPE etc etc etc. It all adds up. The prime cost for an employee, before margin is around £18/hr
Every employee supplies their own hand tools. Bigger plant and equipment is supplied by the employer.
When you were employed i suppose you ran around to all your jobs in your car (not just got yourself to a site) bought and serviced/maintained all plant and equipment etc??
If you did it would have been reimbursed at ?? per mile. How many times were you told something like Bernie you will need a 300 powerdrive or a chain cutter. You will be able to hire one for a reasonable cost from A plant!
Never. The cost is borne by the firm.
As for ACS, yes they may be conditional to an extent, but did your employer ever ask you to fork out the £1000 + for the tickets?
If i wanted to be a **** i could just pay the guys off when their tickets ran out (not suitably qualified) and start someone new who had them.
An employer HAS to make a decent profit above costs or you would not be in a job.
Not meaning to have a go but things are not quite as you see them 🙁
Btw. I'm 18 years as an employer. I'm not a millionaire, I don't have a villa in Spain. Still have a mortgage. Drive a 407. Have times where i make a (BIG) loss. Suffer immense stress and worry and think i'm getting too old for all this shyt but i go on because it is what i know best.
My dad (83) is/was a plumber who had 27 men at one time and he thinks like you at times. 1980! Must be a pensioner thing 😀