Hope someone can give me a helpful tip here.
Cust took rad rad off for painting. Just a small bathroom rad. Worked fine until this point. Newish rad.
Rad back on, valves opened, bled, no heat.
Pipework goes up on separate loop from airing cupboard across 2 metres and back down in bathroom.
I Thought air so popped the rad off again opened both valves into bucket, water bucketing out and hot, so assuming no airlock or blockage. Put radiator back on. No heat!!
as I say newish rad, I installed when I did bathroom 14 months ago. Rad comes on with DHW and CH so is it likely that it's just dirtier through greater use? Sludged and horrible???
im thinking new rad but wondered if anyone had any other thoughts
Cust took rad rad off for painting. Just a small bathroom rad. Worked fine until this point. Newish rad.
Rad back on, valves opened, bled, no heat.
Pipework goes up on separate loop from airing cupboard across 2 metres and back down in bathroom.
I Thought air so popped the rad off again opened both valves into bucket, water bucketing out and hot, so assuming no airlock or blockage. Put radiator back on. No heat!!
as I say newish rad, I installed when I did bathroom 14 months ago. Rad comes on with DHW and CH so is it likely that it's just dirtier through greater use? Sludged and horrible???
im thinking new rad but wondered if anyone had any other thoughts