Mr Flux
Any1 come accross split cyclinder coils with newish cyclinder! I was called to a job where the heating wasnt working and this was the problem, i went to drain the heating and it started draining from the cwsc, then i turned the cold feed to the cycliner off and it started draining from the f&e! also when i turned on the gate valve which fed the heating and the f&e started back filling nd overlowing! Suspected a split coil, anyway ripped the cyclinder out and checked the 2 coils (had a back boiler coil aswell) blew throught each of them and air started coming out of the top of the cyclinder! Problem solved, ya never know with plumbing ehh what a thought was a hours work turned out to be a 2 day job.lol any1 experienced this problem with a newish cyclinder prob 10-15 years old????