I get usually 1 or 2 calls a week regarding boiler installs / probs - I don't do this kind of work. I know a couple of reputable local firms that I usually refer the customer to. Just wondered whether it might be able to sell those leads. There are companies who sell leads so obviously there must be people who would buy them. I know a guy who tried various schemes to sell the leads he didn't want but none seemed to work out (very busy jobbing plumber - lots of calls about work he preferred not to do.) People would initially agree something like a tenner a lead - providing work went ahead but then no money would ever arrive so he'd stop passing them on.
At the moment (not been in business long) it's probably hardly worth the bother but I can only imagine when I get busier I may well end up with quite a few calls a week that aren't things I deal with. Anyone ever managed to successully sell leads? Or, if you were the kind of person who would be interested in buying leads, what sort of system would you feel confident / happy with? If at all...
Another thought I suppose would be to swap leads. So say a guy who turns down small jobs because he mainly does system installs full time would swap those leads of small jobs he turns down for my leads I turn down.
At the moment (not been in business long) it's probably hardly worth the bother but I can only imagine when I get busier I may well end up with quite a few calls a week that aren't things I deal with. Anyone ever managed to successully sell leads? Or, if you were the kind of person who would be interested in buying leads, what sort of system would you feel confident / happy with? If at all...
Another thought I suppose would be to swap leads. So say a guy who turns down small jobs because he mainly does system installs full time would swap those leads of small jobs he turns down for my leads I turn down.