We are having a new toilet fitted in the bathroom which has meant a change to the plumbing.
Before - the soil tack ran up through some boxing in the utility room and into bathroom with an AAV on top. A waste pipe joined the stack just below this and then lay horizantally along the wall (boxed in) with the toilet in the opposite corner. We want to install the toilet in the corner where the stack comes through the floor and lose the unnecessary waste pip travelling the length of the room. Our plumber has removed the AAV and is planning to site the toilet dircetly at the top of this stack where it enters the bathroom through the floor. the shower waste about 1m away will also feed into this stack.
Is this ok with no vent? I'm not so sure but he says it is fine. really? or is he just saying it is fine because I am a girl.
I hope I have explained ok, I am no plumbing expert!
Before - the soil tack ran up through some boxing in the utility room and into bathroom with an AAV on top. A waste pipe joined the stack just below this and then lay horizantally along the wall (boxed in) with the toilet in the opposite corner. We want to install the toilet in the corner where the stack comes through the floor and lose the unnecessary waste pip travelling the length of the room. Our plumber has removed the AAV and is planning to site the toilet dircetly at the top of this stack where it enters the bathroom through the floor. the shower waste about 1m away will also feed into this stack.
Is this ok with no vent? I'm not so sure but he says it is fine. really? or is he just saying it is fine because I am a girl.
I hope I have explained ok, I am no plumbing expert!