I know nothing about plumbing so excuse my non tech language 🙁 - I have dual flush toilet that water leaks after flush - have looked online for solutions but not sure they apply to my problem as when lift top of loo it STOPS leaking and if flush with top off ie with top/top flush button on its side it DOESN'T leak - so think could be something to do with bit attached to blue tube - SEE PICTURE - as thats all i can see that is different when take top off ie blue lead is more taught etc - may be barking up wrong tree but don't see how it can be seal in blue tower bit on left in picture as most other troubleshooting things on youtube etc seem to focus on given that moving blue tube bit around as it were seems to solve the problem - but I can't carry on flushing it with lid off on its side to get proper flush 🙂

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