Hi all some help please.I am staying with some friends in Somerset and they have a problem with their unvented direct cylinder. When you run the hot in the bath or in the shower (but not kitchen sink or basin) after about 15 seconds there starts a load of water hammer. Really starts banging away and then stops after a bit. There is no cold taken after the pressure reducing/ strainer valve so it is not balanced. My initial thought was could.be the multi function valve. Checked strainer but was clean. Turned off cold supply to cylinder and let off pressure via the bath tap and still got the hammer noise start quickly and then slow down as the pressure dropped off so in my mind that rules out multi valve as there's no water passing through it. It seems to be coming from expansion vessel but why would it do that? Have checked at schreader valve and air does come out but I have no guage to check pressure. I am actually on holiday and obviously don't have tools with me apart from a few odd bits my hosts have. I would like.to sort this for them if possible before I leave tomorrow. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? Thanks in advance.BTW I have unvented ticket but mostly do installs hardly ever fault find.