Ok.. I got me a Gerry spec Vaillant vc182e boiler that tries to ignight... but she doesnt... It has a room thermostat and no matter what I do.. she wont fire up... To the right of the Temp and presure gagues is a small rocker swich which is known as the "Schörsteinfeger schalter" ( Chimney sweeps switch) By law over here, them pesky chimney sweeps visit 3 times a year and every 2 years check the cent heating for excessive emissions! ... ayways, hit the sweeps button and the complete system springs into action! So I assume that all sensors and switches in the boiler are correct and present or it would not ignite!... Has anyone any frigging idea what could be wrong? The room stat is ticking away nicely and has 24v going to it.. Its doing my head in and winter is comming!
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance