Been fitting Viessmann Boilers for a while now and just recently had a few that have either been damaged or have missing parts when they are unpacked. Had one today that has the condense trap plug missing and the when trap is all moving about. Really bad for what is meant to be a quality boiler. This particular one is a 35kW heat only 100-W.
Has anyone else had any issues like this ?
It's a right pain because I need to get it up and running this weekend but now cant and need to get them out on Monday.
The other thing with them to is why dont they come with a fitting for the gas ? Surly if buying a quality boiler we shouldn't have to supply our own female iron to go on it
Has anyone else had any issues like this ?
It's a right pain because I need to get it up and running this weekend but now cant and need to get them out on Monday.
The other thing with them to is why dont they come with a fitting for the gas ? Surly if buying a quality boiler we shouldn't have to supply our own female iron to go on it