Just before Xmas the boiler locked its self out (red light). Loosing pressure recharging a few times a day.Reset boiler as per instructions. Done it again. Reset called landlord sent engineer out. He reset system and said nothing wrong. Ring if it goes over 3 bar.......
Air in rads bled system recharged to 1.0 bar. Hot water from tap ok it you run it slow and not fully open tap (then goes cold).
System lost pressure redone above as air in rads. Now thinking leak in rads. When re pressuring system only takes a few seconds.
Closed feed and return to rads at boiler left it over night, next morning no pressure in boiler.
Condensate pipe.
Undone push fitting its dry. Just before putting it back ( boiler turned off ) whole load of of water, black gunk and fine bits of limescale came out. Waited for it to stop then put push fitting back.
Recharged system and turned on.
Loss of pressure in about 1 hour, rads filling with air up stairs and condensate pipe now warm.
Got engineer coming out again today.
I know nothing about boilers and dont want to leave it to the pros. I am just trying to eliminate the pipe work to the rads and the rads.
What are the chances of a duff heat ex-changer or expansion vessel or both.
Any thoughts ?
Air in rads bled system recharged to 1.0 bar. Hot water from tap ok it you run it slow and not fully open tap (then goes cold).
System lost pressure redone above as air in rads. Now thinking leak in rads. When re pressuring system only takes a few seconds.
Closed feed and return to rads at boiler left it over night, next morning no pressure in boiler.
Condensate pipe.
Undone push fitting its dry. Just before putting it back ( boiler turned off ) whole load of of water, black gunk and fine bits of limescale came out. Waited for it to stop then put push fitting back.
Recharged system and turned on.
Loss of pressure in about 1 hour, rads filling with air up stairs and condensate pipe now warm.
Got engineer coming out again today.
I know nothing about boilers and dont want to leave it to the pros. I am just trying to eliminate the pipe work to the rads and the rads.
What are the chances of a duff heat ex-changer or expansion vessel or both.
Any thoughts ?