Hi, I have a Vokera Compact HE boiler which was fitted new about 2 and a half years ago. It has been working fine up until a few weeks ago. The water hasn't been getting hot and no heating. A new Air pressure switch was fitted about a month ago and it was working OK until about a week ago. A plumber has looked at it and when he took the front cover off and a big metal plate underneath that (which is secured by 2 clips) the boiler fired up. When he put the metal plate and front cover back on again, it stopped working again. He thought it might be the air pressure switch but I explained that a new one was fitted about a month ago. Also, the flue is only about 200mm from the wall outside so the plumber thinks it could be this. The strange thing is though that is was working fine with the flue like that for 2 years. I would appreciate if anyone had any ideas what the fault could be!