tiling spread
here's one for you to think about:
i was asked on tuesday how youd get water too a (shak)(shed)
were theres no water mains
im a member of a shooting range but theres no water on site for washing up ect
How could i get water on site
I was thinking a bout a gravity feed tank in a lock box on legs about 7ft high on the oppasite side of the wall were the sink is going Drop a pipe down and in throw the wall with a stopcock on it (bend on the end) as a spout
i know ill need too keep topping up the tank
ill keep the tank in a wooden lockable box wether tite out side ?????
the waste pipe will run too a soakaway thats sorted
did i say the job needs too be cheep as chips lol 😕
i was asked on tuesday how youd get water too a (shak)(shed)
were theres no water mains
im a member of a shooting range but theres no water on site for washing up ect
How could i get water on site
I was thinking a bout a gravity feed tank in a lock box on legs about 7ft high on the oppasite side of the wall were the sink is going Drop a pipe down and in throw the wall with a stopcock on it (bend on the end) as a spout
i know ill need too keep topping up the tank
ill keep the tank in a wooden lockable box wether tite out side ?????
the waste pipe will run too a soakaway thats sorted
did i say the job needs too be cheep as chips lol 😕