I had a plumber attend our flat last week as we have been getting sewage smells from our bath plug hole. He pointed out the water in the toilet bowl being too low. He said it should be where the line is. Its always been the same. I don't remember seeing at the line he says it should be at. He also ran the sink tap to check the toilet.
I can't remember what the plumber explained to me. It was a lot of info, confusing for me, most probably as I'm female lol. But I need to be able to know what he meant. What is the normal water level? What do I need to do to check that its operating how it should? The plumber provided no details on the receipt apart from he attended to investigate cause of smell and took the bath panel off.
I have to get reports together as my housing associations ignored the sewage and bleach smells we have been living with since May 2012. I am following their complaints procedure and have t attend the tenants panel hearing to have my complaint heard. The property director is so rude and horrible, he laughed at me saying my case against them would never go to court. They only acknowledged my complaints about the smells in July 2014 after Thames and my MP contacted them. Environmental health won't help. The director wrote to all involved, including the housing ombudsman informing them, they had no disrepairs outstanding and that I had been the only tenant to report and get the smells. Others have reported smells but they do not get it as bad as us
Please can you offer advice. My son will be 13 in two and a half weeks. For over two years, his not had any of his school friends over as he is so embarrassed about the smells. He knows its not my fault but after one of the school kids made fun about the smells back in 2012, he just feels to ashamed. Kids can be so cruel and I have tried everything to make our home a home and no matter how many plug ins, how many smelly sticks I burn, the smells can be too overpowering to get rid of and hide.
Really appreciate your time and advice. Thanks
I had a plumber attend our flat last week as we have been getting sewage smells from our bath plug hole. He pointed out the water in the toilet bowl being too low. He said it should be where the line is. Its always been the same. I don't remember seeing at the line he says it should be at. He also ran the sink tap to check the toilet.
I can't remember what the plumber explained to me. It was a lot of info, confusing for me, most probably as I'm female lol. But I need to be able to know what he meant. What is the normal water level? What do I need to do to check that its operating how it should? The plumber provided no details on the receipt apart from he attended to investigate cause of smell and took the bath panel off.
I have to get reports together as my housing associations ignored the sewage and bleach smells we have been living with since May 2012. I am following their complaints procedure and have t attend the tenants panel hearing to have my complaint heard. The property director is so rude and horrible, he laughed at me saying my case against them would never go to court. They only acknowledged my complaints about the smells in July 2014 after Thames and my MP contacted them. Environmental health won't help. The director wrote to all involved, including the housing ombudsman informing them, they had no disrepairs outstanding and that I had been the only tenant to report and get the smells. Others have reported smells but they do not get it as bad as us
Please can you offer advice. My son will be 13 in two and a half weeks. For over two years, his not had any of his school friends over as he is so embarrassed about the smells. He knows its not my fault but after one of the school kids made fun about the smells back in 2012, he just feels to ashamed. Kids can be so cruel and I have tried everything to make our home a home and no matter how many plug ins, how many smelly sticks I burn, the smells can be too overpowering to get rid of and hide.
Really appreciate your time and advice. Thanks