In my extensive field research I have found the most reliable indicator is the presence or absence of kitchen roll.
So much so I will find myself under a sink, realise my rag is wet and my sleeves are short and that I require the services of some sort of large thick tissue - say for instance, a kitchen roll - and before I turn my head I will remember what type of house it is and say to myself, "This is a kitchen roll house." Or, "This is not a kitchen roll house."
Then, on turning my head, I discover that this prediction has something like a 90% accuracy.
So much so I will find myself under a sink, realise my rag is wet and my sleeves are short and that I require the services of some sort of large thick tissue - say for instance, a kitchen roll - and before I turn my head I will remember what type of house it is and say to myself, "This is a kitchen roll house." Or, "This is not a kitchen roll house."
Then, on turning my head, I discover that this prediction has something like a 90% accuracy.