FIXRADIO - Tunes Request Thread - The official unofficial tunes request and shout-out thread.
This isn't something we've organised with FIXRADIO officially. So it's the unofficial official tunes request thread.
If you really really want a tune on, use the usual channels. Fingers crossed this'll be a thing one day but it might also disappear amongst the tiling threads and never be seen again.
FIXRADIO is the station for the tradesperson! - It's available online and via a DAB radio. If you're buying a new van, it needs to have a DAB radio in it, or send it back. It's not a new van at all.
If you're buying a new radio, and it's not a DAB, send it back. It's a 'wireless' and not a real radio 😉 😉
We're working on a play button directly for the forums, so as you're browsing the forum you can whack it on in the background. Nice and easy. But if you're getting adhesive all over your phone and and your phone case is rubbish, then you need a DAB radio to do the job for you instead.
Here are some we found for you, feel free to reply with links to where you got yours from and where you have found the best price on them etc, don't keep it all to yourself now (links will open in a new window to compare them):-
- No particular make Amazon Rugged DAB Radio - £80 - Good reviews
- Makita Rugged DAB Radio - £130 (credit also available) - Highest review score available
- DeWalt Compact Rugged DAB Radio - £142 - Top reviews again
- Milwaukee Rugged DAB Radio - £150 - 5 Stars Again
- DeWalt 6 Speakers Proper Bopping Can-give-your-boss-the-sack Tunes Rugged DAB Radio - £180!!! - Reviews for the shop, but not the product - Wonder why.
Just for a laugh. Here's a DeWalt (they seem to do more radios than RicherSounds have available!) that's over £200! Whaaaaat?
The rating systems of all the above websites and / or product pages are all unique to their websites so there's no way at all to compare them by the reviews. I love that about review systems. Really helpful. 🙂
Weird how they all have 5 star reviews too. You'd never push a 2 star would you lol
Anyway, tag @FIXRADIO in your post and say a song name. And if they fancy it, they might play it one day. 🙂 - We'll see if we can get them on board with this thread in time to come.
Have a lovely day. 🙂
p.s. no dissing the station and / or music in general in this thread. Instead, make an email with your moaning in it, and address it to yourself. 😀
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