My 10 year old system is loosing water pressure. I don't detect any leaks, so far. I am hoping it is something simple. I am trying to locate where the pressure relief valve is situated, where should I be looking?
The expansion vessel is behind the boiler so if that has failed I take it that...
Please can anyone advise why I am getting intermittent hot water from my Ferroli HE31C combination boiler.
I have noticed when calling for hot water, sometimes the boiler will fire up straight away, start to give hot water then show a D1 code indicating it has reached temperature. Sometimes if...
boiler will not turn off unless you turn it off at the main switch it seems to be bypassing the time clock and running ch all the time when h/w called for no probs i have disconnected time clock from boiler and boiler still doing the same
Hi guys,
I know, ferroli again(bag of s**t) seems to be operating the heating constantly but stat is not set to call, Hot water demand symbol appears to come on though, with no taps open. Any suggestions?
I have a Ferroli DOMI condens that supplies HW to my kitchen sink. I still have my HW tank that you have to turn on to supply HW to the bathroom. I wanted to keep my airing cupboard and as I replaced like for like this is what I ended up with.
I now want to remove the boiler and associated...
Had one of these nails early today.
Initial intermittent hot water issue but then it started throwing up f40 and on occasions f47.
Was banging my head as couldn't work out what they were.
going to an old Modena with scalding hot water when pot is turned to minimum so suspect its not modulating.....not sure this would be a thermistor problem as the boiler continually fires when tap opened....anyone experienced this and know expected voltages at gas valve??? or how to set up the...
Cold water flow rate and pressure into the boiler is fine. Nothing out of any of the hot taps. There's no crud in the inlet filter. Could the hot water side of the heat ex be completely scaled up? It is a hard water area...
If so, best way to clear it please? Preferably without stripping the...
Hi Guys,
Another interesting one for you.
So one of my customers has a Modena 102(has no plate heat ex.)
which is fine on heating, fine on hot water to the kitchen(downstairs) outlet but when the bath tap(Upstairs) is run the hot water flow is having to be restricted via the tap to get any...
i have the above pile of tat to look at on Saturday,its not getting hot water,from memory there is no secondary(dhw) ntc on this its a 3 way valve and dhw flow switch?
Afternoon all,
My Ferroli F24 is playing up on the heating side (HW is fine); the boiler will not ignite for CH despite the room stat calling for it; I've had a good look at it, and when I disconnect the electrical connection to the flow sensor on the CH outlet pipe and call for heating, the...
Recently my boiler has stopped firing.
It was giving out intermittent hot water, then cold , then Luke warm. It was still heating the rads however.
But now it's stopped working all together. When you switch on, it fires for 3 or 4 seconds then stops.
The bar light is constantly on, not...
Recently my boiler has stopped firing.
It was giving out intermittent hot water, then cold , then Luke warm. It was still heating the rads however.
But now it's stopped working all together. When you switch on, it fires for 3 or 4 seconds then stops.
The bar light is...
Any advice on this problem would be appreciated!
Ferroli Domicompact F30b Combi Boiler that if the customer has the heating on, but then runs a bath the radiators get ridiculously hot. It has a dual heat exchanger so no DV which rules out any crossover there. So I'm thinking there must be a...
Hello all,
Need some help with above boiler. Keeps cutting out on hot water and CH. Works fine with cover off. Thermistors test ok. Replaced venturi, no joy. Got to be an air problem but what? No blockage in flue.
Thanks for the help.
Replacing the expansion vessel. Is that a boiler off the wall job? Don't think there's a great amount of space between the top of the boiler and the ceiling
Have any of you guys ever changed the main heat exchanger on one of these god awful boilers???
Had a right ******* doing it! The sump gasket is a tiny bit too small so need to stretch it over, but everytime you get over all 4 corners and let go, at least one corner would pop off! You need to...
Alright guys?
looking at this boiler for my mate.
no heating or hot water, light comes on with demand, pump runs with heating, but no fan. Checked thermistors and they were ok so checked fan a bit more, 0v between l and n to fan, 240v between l and e to fan, 240v between n and e. i think some...
Gone to look at boiler for mate who is selling.
Turned off boiler to do checks try and turn back on and I only get F9
GC 47-267-38
hot water was working now nothing.
Checked continuity on wiring to water sensor as indicated but have no idea what voltage I should be looking at as helpline...