
  1. U

    WC runs after flushing — identification of flush mechanism and repair

    My WC has just developed a problem. It flushes OK but then the water keeps draining into the pan. The cistern is a concealed/built-in one. I lifted the cistern lid expecting to find a siphon but the arrangement is quite different. I would find it really helpful if someone could identify: 1)...
  2. P

    removal of flush pipe on a 2008 gerbrit 109.720.00.1

    anyone tell me how to remove the flush pipe to replace a leaking washer on a gerberit enclosed flush system please?
  3. T

    Had a Power Flush now looking for a bit of advice

    Hi all, This is in no way a blame thread for the recent work I have had done as the guys were top notch, just looking for a bit of advice on a few puzzling questions I have since. I had a power flush done as two of my 12 radiators were not getting hot in anyway even though the flow pipes were...
  4. B

    Dudley vantage flush valve problem

    Concealed cistern, this one has pan fan and is operated by IR button if that makes any difference. The usual problem of letting by into pan, we are in a hard water area and things do get scaled up. I have replaced the niagara dual pneumatic flush valve yet still on occasion the valve will stick...
  5. J

    Commercial Toilets/ Flush Valves/ Pressurized Flush Device

    In the states we call them "Flushometers". I don't know if you have them over there. A big manufacturer in Germany has a similar product (Schell) and I'm thinking it might be a great mating to an Aquablade closet to possibly avoid skids and blockages (yes I know requires larger piping)...
  6. E

    Geberit Concealed Cistern, Flush very very stiff

    Hi, first post... I have just had installed a UP320 cistern with geberit dual flush plate. When you go to push either button it does not move, like it is very stiff, if you push hard enough it (and you feel like you are going to break it) will suddenly ‘click’ and then work fine. My plumber...
  7. D

    power flush cost?....................................

    British gas done their anal service on the boiler this morning and the guy said I need a power flush which I'd guessed anyway. Quoted me £800. Obviously the British gas have astronomical overheads so how much would it be roughly from Joe Bloggs the plumber?
  8. T

    Gerebit Flush Valve too short, any ideas how how to make the button sit higher?

    I've bought a replacement flush valve for (Geberit 282.350.KD.1 Flush Valve) as the last one fell to pieces, it works perfectly but the top down button is about 2 inches too short to sit in the hole on the cistern lid. Is there an easy way to get it to sit higher? You can reach it if you have...
  9. D

    Best chemical flush?

    I've been using Fernox F3 and on occasion Sentinel X400 to chemically flush out old 8mm microbore heating systems. I've had mixed results with both products, although they generally do the job. I'm thinking of trying the fast acting stuff Sentinel X800, on a very old and never cleaned 8mm...
  10. A

    Toilet will flush 2/3 times with a healthy fill. However after 3rd flush does not fill again.

    Push button cistern. Toilet will flush only say twice. Filling the cistern after very well. After 2nd flush water stops filling cistern. The left hand side has a plastic tube say 4 inches long from where the water comes. Along side is a small branch with a blue button with two arrows. By luck I...
  11. R

    Flush valve replacement.

    Does anyone recognise this flush valve? It's broken and tends to let water pass ...
  12. S

    Help needed with Geberit flush pipe seal

    Could somebody tell me how you remove the circular clip and rubber seal from a leaking flush pipe connection at the bottom of a Geberit low height concealed cistern. Also is it possible to replace the seal with the cistern and WC in situ?
  13. B

    can I power flush with plastic pipes in central heating

    Hi all can you power flush a central heating system which contains plastic pipe. I have copper just under the Combi boiler then 22mm/15mm plastic pipes then copper to radiator tails many thanks
  14. C

    Concealed Cistern - help with changing flush valve

    Hi guys Firstly...go easy on me! I’m a site basher, I’ve installed loads of Concealed cisterns but never had to fix one! I’m venturing into the world of domestic maintenance and it’s nerve wracking! So is it really possible to change a flush valve through the hole where the flush plate is...
  15. A

    Siamp flush valve only gives short flush.

    Was asked to have a look at a few things for a customer this evening. Sink waste needs altering so the washing machine doesnt back up and, a new shower and an issue with the toilets. x4 close coupled toilets in the property. All with Siamp flush valves. 2 of them work as they should, long...
  16. B

    Best power flush fluid?

    Hi guys! I've just purchased a power flush pump system. And would like some advice on what is the best fluid to use for badly clogged systems that have limescale , and where to buy it from. Thanks in advance guys!
  17. R

    Dudley flush problem

    I have a Dudley concealed cistern fitted with an Electroflo flush using battery power. The first 'blue' (long) flush of the day, when it's been inactive during the night, often doesn't work properly - the blue light comes on, the motor runs - then there's a 'thump' and everything stops. If I...