Hi everyone,
New to this site and after a little advice.
I am currently looking to learn a trade
1) To learn something worthwhile/useful/rewarding
2) Enable me, in time, to get out of deskjob
3) Allow me to progress on my own..... in even more time.
I am looking in to both electrician/plumbing.
I have however come to a brickwall, as both trades offer everything I would like.
I think it would have to come down to availibility of work and variety of work. Could anyone please shed some light as to what they feel plumbing offers that the job of an electrician would not, and in turn a down side.
This advice would be much appreciated. 🙂
Many thanks
New to this site and after a little advice.
I am currently looking to learn a trade
1) To learn something worthwhile/useful/rewarding
2) Enable me, in time, to get out of deskjob
3) Allow me to progress on my own..... in even more time.
I am looking in to both electrician/plumbing.
I have however come to a brickwall, as both trades offer everything I would like.
I think it would have to come down to availibility of work and variety of work. Could anyone please shed some light as to what they feel plumbing offers that the job of an electrician would not, and in turn a down side.
This advice would be much appreciated. 🙂
Many thanks