After nutting about with different doughnut washers (standard, wide thin rubber, thick foam) and even resorting to siliconing the latter in places still got leaks on flushing. Even reassembled uncoupled from inlet and overflow connections and with c/c bolts at various levels of tightness to make sure nothing was causing washer to slip. Still leaked - big style - every time.
Was changing from handle operated syphon to push button drop valve type. Reason being customer wanted more powerful flush. Finally concluded that toilet design couldn't take force of drop valve flush. Swapped to handle operated syphon and was ok.
Anyone else had this? Done hundreds of toilets and a first for me. Maybe been lucky. Wasn't even that old a WC.
Was changing from handle operated syphon to push button drop valve type. Reason being customer wanted more powerful flush. Finally concluded that toilet design couldn't take force of drop valve flush. Swapped to handle operated syphon and was ok.
Anyone else had this? Done hundreds of toilets and a first for me. Maybe been lucky. Wasn't even that old a WC.