Hi All,
Looking for a bit of advice on the best way to pipe this.
- 24kW Worcester regular boiler in kitchen, approx. 9 years old - unvented tank, zone vavles, pump, expansion is on first floor in airing cupboard
- Currently piped as S-plan.
- Hive controls.
- Would like to fit 6-zone underfloor kit on ground floor. Kit has stainless manifold/Grundfos pump/blending valve etc.
- Controls/wiring centre (to replace hive and control everything) to be Reliance (wiring centres/wired thermostats etc.)
- Ground floor ceiling is down. 28mm primarys are on show, some of the joints look like they've been bleeding for a while, and have been chopped and linked in plastic temporarily to put in new steels within the first floor, they will need a bit of work to take them through the steels (route them to the centre of the steel where the penetrations are). Also a couple of "bypass" rads tee'd in which aren't really bypass as they have TRVs (no automatic bypass). Basically the primaries need a bit of work whatever happens for reasons not to do with best system design.
Would you:
Minimum work -
Basically add UFH as another zone - S-plan+
Disadvantage - intreraction between the pumps? Is this a real issue?
Medium work -
Disadvantage - Expansion should be before the primary circulator pump rather than secondary circulator and not much room in kitchen cabinet for same. More work than above. 3 pumps rather than 2 (additional circulator on primary circuit).
Even more work
- As above but instead of adding a pump in series to the existing boiler, replace with a system boiler in a slightly better location (already piped for gas, just need to drill for flue), and upgrade to more sophisticated controls (weather comp).
Disadvantage - cost.
I don't have a wall for a low-loss header or anything like that, but assume I don't need it as it's a pretty simple system.
Am I worrying about nothing with the rad/cyl pump interacting with the ufh pump?
Thanks for your time.
Looking for a bit of advice on the best way to pipe this.
- 24kW Worcester regular boiler in kitchen, approx. 9 years old - unvented tank, zone vavles, pump, expansion is on first floor in airing cupboard
- Currently piped as S-plan.
- Hive controls.
- Would like to fit 6-zone underfloor kit on ground floor. Kit has stainless manifold/Grundfos pump/blending valve etc.
- Controls/wiring centre (to replace hive and control everything) to be Reliance (wiring centres/wired thermostats etc.)
- Ground floor ceiling is down. 28mm primarys are on show, some of the joints look like they've been bleeding for a while, and have been chopped and linked in plastic temporarily to put in new steels within the first floor, they will need a bit of work to take them through the steels (route them to the centre of the steel where the penetrations are). Also a couple of "bypass" rads tee'd in which aren't really bypass as they have TRVs (no automatic bypass). Basically the primaries need a bit of work whatever happens for reasons not to do with best system design.
Would you:
Minimum work -
- Re-route the 28mm primaries through the steels,
- Add automatic bypass
- Extend primaries in 22mm to underfloor manifold/pump pack behind zone valve
Basically add UFH as another zone - S-plan+
Disadvantage - intreraction between the pumps? Is this a real issue?
Medium work -
- Redo the 28mm pipework as a primary circuit with circulator pump - pump probably located in back of top kitchen cupboard.
- Have the old S-plan draw off a set of closely spaced tees
- Have the UFH draw off a second set of closely spaced tees downstream of old S-plan. No need for UFH zone valve.
Disadvantage - Expansion should be before the primary circulator pump rather than secondary circulator and not much room in kitchen cabinet for same. More work than above. 3 pumps rather than 2 (additional circulator on primary circuit).
Even more work
- As above but instead of adding a pump in series to the existing boiler, replace with a system boiler in a slightly better location (already piped for gas, just need to drill for flue), and upgrade to more sophisticated controls (weather comp).
Disadvantage - cost.
I don't have a wall for a low-loss header or anything like that, but assume I don't need it as it's a pretty simple system.
Am I worrying about nothing with the rad/cyl pump interacting with the ufh pump?
Thanks for your time.