Yes there are 6 properties known to have plumbing /boiler problems and 2 as yet in the same build, unsold. I got them all to write down the problems they have had and presented it to the NHBC and asked them to look at the problems across the estate and whether the plumbing /heating should have been given the "building regs via the NHBC" that the builder keeps throwing at us as evidence that there is nothing wrong with a system that leaks the only problem is people like me who cause trouble! Nos 43 the first house to have been sold in the road, as I have already said, was re-plumbed within 6 months of them moving in because boiler kept losing pressure and they could not track down the leak. The original plumber from the estate wasn't paid and is now out of business, the builders new plumber stood in front of the NHBC claims agent (when he came to look at the problems at our property 2 years later ) and admitted it was easier to re-plumb than track down the leak, as if that was all perfectly normal and of no consequence to the other 5 properties all suffering similar problems!! Amazing. The builder knew the problems with the plumbing and just kept on selling properties. The young couple next door (and this has been reflected across the other properties) had a hose blow off from below their boiler (there is copper up to the boiler so I am not sure what blew) but he turned the water off, when he turned the water back on the pipe blew off the back of the upstairs toilet (?) and water gushed down their staircase ! They are, indeed we all are worried to go away in case we come back to a flood. My current concern is I know what the NHBC are like, and the solicitor allocated to our case via our buildings insurance made initial contact yesterday and said, "it would be prudent to consider what the NHBC says." ALARM BELLS. In my experience of solicitors they are not imaginative, they hate doing anything that rocks boats or hasn't been done before, and they are EXPENSIVE so most cases are not proportionate to the kind of money that can be gained by litigation. Our insurer had passed our file to another solicitor, they thought it would be a claim in the small claims court (up to £5000) and quoted £2500 for fees! Then it turned out they acted for the builder, not like you can find that information very easily these days on the old PC! So yes, when I heard from solicitor, despite the case looking sound, solicitor was clearly not interested that the problem was reflected in other properties only really interested in what the NHBC will say so I thought I would start to consider my options because I have been fighting this for a year now with the builders with the support of the CIPHE offering me support in tracking down the pipe etc and WRAS but I have been in a similar situation before (indeed it is how I became homeless for a year and ended up moving here) battling with authority figures that just don't budge and getting nowhere life is too short. This time I realise I am not alone, nobody in the road wants to keep paying for this shoddy plumbing, 4 properties have problems with their boilers permanently losing pressure, they could well all be chock-a-block with swarf and sludge like ours AND leaking, but I am running out of ideas as to how we can get this sorted. SO REALLY REALLY APPRECIATIVE OF THE FEEDBACK YOU HAVE ALL GIVEN ME THANKS AGAIN