I'm creating a wet room out of a bathroom. I lifted the floors to find the soil pipe run as in the attached diagrams. Two questions (assuming I can get the required fall)
1) Is this soil pipe arrangement (in yellow) look okay to you? It looks unnecessarily convoluted to me. I think there was previously a toilet where the the end cap is.
2) Do the waste pipe runs (in red) that I intend to put in look okay? They will join the soil pipe with strap on bosses.
I think the soil pipe arrangement is asking for trouble but its been like that for years I presume without probem. I have taken the dead leg off as a start and will put an end cap in there. Doing much more will be tricky as you can see from the limited access shown in the photos.
Any thoughts?

1) Is this soil pipe arrangement (in yellow) look okay to you? It looks unnecessarily convoluted to me. I think there was previously a toilet where the the end cap is.
2) Do the waste pipe runs (in red) that I intend to put in look okay? They will join the soil pipe with strap on bosses.
I think the soil pipe arrangement is asking for trouble but its been like that for years I presume without probem. I have taken the dead leg off as a start and will put an end cap in there. Doing much more will be tricky as you can see from the limited access shown in the photos.
Any thoughts?