Looked at a job today, old back boiler upgrading to a combi in airing cupboard in centre of house with laminate floor all around =[ ...
As much as id like to place the boiler someplace else, the airing cupboard is the only viable place =[ which means the condensate has got to be pumped and the boiler blow off either taken into condensate pump?? possibly via a tundish ( making it visible ) or as i read on another thread teed into the return on boiler with additional 3 bar blow fitted on heating return elsewhere!
Anyone ever faced the same dilema before, I see the condensate pumps take upto 80c water at short times? so maybe it would cope?
Condensate pump - £62.00 : Central heating, boilers, combi boilers, radiators and plumbing supplies from Mr Central Heating
Any help appreciated..!
Looked at a job today, old back boiler upgrading to a combi in airing cupboard in centre of house with laminate floor all around =[ ...
As much as id like to place the boiler someplace else, the airing cupboard is the only viable place =[ which means the condensate has got to be pumped and the boiler blow off either taken into condensate pump?? possibly via a tundish ( making it visible ) or as i read on another thread teed into the return on boiler with additional 3 bar blow fitted on heating return elsewhere!
Anyone ever faced the same dilema before, I see the condensate pumps take upto 80c water at short times? so maybe it would cope?
Condensate pump - £62.00 : Central heating, boilers, combi boilers, radiators and plumbing supplies from Mr Central Heating
Any help appreciated..!