Hi, I have a problem with my Ideal mini C28 boiler. When running the hot water the boiler kettles, cuts out and restarts. I have cover so called an engineer out, he was struggling to diagnose so went and rang a colleague, he came back and said it must be the PCB circuit board or temperature valve, I asked if it could be the heat exchanger (he tested and said it couldn't be that.). The engineer came back and fitted the 2 parts, unfortunately it was still the same and then decided it was a blocked heater exchange. Which are not covered (blockages aren't covered), and to get a private engineer to sort. Yesterday I tried the boiler again, I Turner the temperature down on the boiler to minimum and it worked without it kettling, I turned the temperature up and it went to just over halfway on the temperature gauge before it kettled. I have turned the temp down to about halfway and is presently working (water temp about acceptable), is this likely to be the heat exchange or could it be something else? I don't think I have a lot of sludge in the system. There are no cold spots in the radiators. Thanks in advance Neil.