Hi All,
We have a Viessmann 222-F BT2B Combi Storage Boiler - it was installed in 2019 so about 6 years old. A Magnaclean Professional 2 Filter was fitted at time of boiler installation. A Power Flush was also done & a water softener fitted.
The boiler has been serviced every year without fail & the last service was about 3+ weeks ago. At time of servicing the Magnaclean filter is checked, cleaned & new Adey MC1+ Inhibitor always added.
We have 10 Radiators in the house - all double panel except one & six are less than a year old, two are about 2 years old, one about 8 years old, one about 15 years old & one about 20+ years old. There are 3 Towel Rads - two about 8 years old & one about 12 years old.
We used to find some sludge on the Magnaclean filter not an excessive but still a surprising amount considering mainly new main Rads, system had a power flush & yearly inhibitor added.
We had a boiler issue last week whereby it was not working & no hot water or heating. Viessmann sent an engineer round to fix & he changed a pump at the back of the bottom section & behind the top of the water storage tank. He still experienced some problems but was able to identify the issue as crud in the plate heat exchanger which, as a novice had me quite shocked.
I explained to him, that the Magnaclean 2 Pro was fitted just for this purpose to collect the sludge & debris so how could the Plate Heat Exchanger possibly be blocked & especially badly enough to cause the boiler to have issues & surely the Magnaclean Pro 2 would have have collected it as it was never fully packed with sludge on the magnet - it just does not nake sense to me at all.
He just said the filter collects some stuff but not all of it - but again, this did not make sense to me - I can understand if the there was so much sludge collected in the Magnaclean Pro 2 that there was no more room for it to collect any more of it but this was not the case & also, I was not expected much sludge at on a cleaned system with mainly new/newish rads.
The Viessmann Engineer said he did me favour as blockages in the boiler are not covered under warranty so I got lucky this time but probably not again if the same happens. The guy who does my servicing told me that if the Viessmann Engineer had not fixed the issue, it may have cost around £600-£700 to rectify which is awful lot.
I really wish to avoid this issue happening again & really want to look after my boiler so it is always in peak & healthy condition as it cost a lot of money & I expect repairs on it to be quite pricey (although it still has 4 years warranty remaining) but as mentioned, blockages are not covered.
I asked my service guy if one can do a Chemical Clean with say Sentinel X400 over say a week or so while the boiler is still in daily use & if easy to do - he was of the opinion that this & even a Power Flush will get the system "cleaner" (& no way to tell how much cleaner) but not fully clean? What are all your thoughts?
In view of this, what can be done to ensure this issue does not happen again & the plate heat exchanger (as well as the entire system) always stays clean?
Many Kind Thanks!
Thermal Imaging Of Some Rads:

We have a Viessmann 222-F BT2B Combi Storage Boiler - it was installed in 2019 so about 6 years old. A Magnaclean Professional 2 Filter was fitted at time of boiler installation. A Power Flush was also done & a water softener fitted.
The boiler has been serviced every year without fail & the last service was about 3+ weeks ago. At time of servicing the Magnaclean filter is checked, cleaned & new Adey MC1+ Inhibitor always added.
We have 10 Radiators in the house - all double panel except one & six are less than a year old, two are about 2 years old, one about 8 years old, one about 15 years old & one about 20+ years old. There are 3 Towel Rads - two about 8 years old & one about 12 years old.
We used to find some sludge on the Magnaclean filter not an excessive but still a surprising amount considering mainly new main Rads, system had a power flush & yearly inhibitor added.
We had a boiler issue last week whereby it was not working & no hot water or heating. Viessmann sent an engineer round to fix & he changed a pump at the back of the bottom section & behind the top of the water storage tank. He still experienced some problems but was able to identify the issue as crud in the plate heat exchanger which, as a novice had me quite shocked.
I explained to him, that the Magnaclean 2 Pro was fitted just for this purpose to collect the sludge & debris so how could the Plate Heat Exchanger possibly be blocked & especially badly enough to cause the boiler to have issues & surely the Magnaclean Pro 2 would have have collected it as it was never fully packed with sludge on the magnet - it just does not nake sense to me at all.
He just said the filter collects some stuff but not all of it - but again, this did not make sense to me - I can understand if the there was so much sludge collected in the Magnaclean Pro 2 that there was no more room for it to collect any more of it but this was not the case & also, I was not expected much sludge at on a cleaned system with mainly new/newish rads.
The Viessmann Engineer said he did me favour as blockages in the boiler are not covered under warranty so I got lucky this time but probably not again if the same happens. The guy who does my servicing told me that if the Viessmann Engineer had not fixed the issue, it may have cost around £600-£700 to rectify which is awful lot.
I really wish to avoid this issue happening again & really want to look after my boiler so it is always in peak & healthy condition as it cost a lot of money & I expect repairs on it to be quite pricey (although it still has 4 years warranty remaining) but as mentioned, blockages are not covered.
I asked my service guy if one can do a Chemical Clean with say Sentinel X400 over say a week or so while the boiler is still in daily use & if easy to do - he was of the opinion that this & even a Power Flush will get the system "cleaner" (& no way to tell how much cleaner) but not fully clean? What are all your thoughts?
In view of this, what can be done to ensure this issue does not happen again & the plate heat exchanger (as well as the entire system) always stays clean?
Many Kind Thanks!
Thermal Imaging Of Some Rads:

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