Mike Jackson
Started a boiler swap today. Ideal Classic with a horizontal flue out, Intergas with a vertical flue going in. Replace 6 rads, TRVs to all rads bar one, new pump and magnaclean. Decided to take some pictures of the install so here's day one.
First Job protect the new carpets.

RIMG0001 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr

RIMG0002 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr

RIMG0003 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr
I've been given the spare room to store materials etc. so dustsheet on the floor in there.

RIMG0004 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr
This is the boiler that's coming out.

RIMG0005 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr
The soffits have been replaced with new upvc with continuous vents, great idea this close to a flue.

RIMG0006 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr
First Job protect the new carpets.

RIMG0001 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr

RIMG0002 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr

RIMG0003 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr
I've been given the spare room to store materials etc. so dustsheet on the floor in there.

RIMG0004 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr
This is the boiler that's coming out.

RIMG0005 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr
The soffits have been replaced with new upvc with continuous vents, great idea this close to a flue.

RIMG0006 by Mike Jackson1, on Flickr