I have been looking for instances of unexpected pinholes in new copper pipe. I have asked this before but we are up to our fifth leak.
Firstly, it is not flux. This is a traditional response from the plumbing community, but it isn't.
Secondly, it is not 'poor quality' copper or old copper from the 70's.
This is new from a top UK supplier.
I suspect that many pinholes are dismissed as 'flux' or 'poor copper' and simply replaced without realisation of the true root cause, and I suspect that the problem is going to become steadily worse as levels of phosphates are increased.
The EU Drinking Water Directive has mandated that ortho-phosphates be added to supplied water to reduce the level of lead pickup from old lead pipework. The levels were reduced even more in December 2013.
95% of UK water is now phosphate dosed.
However, this has had the effect, in borehole water areas of making the normal 'patina' that forms inside the copper pipe to be come friable and flake off exposing the 'naked copper' and corrosion quickly sets in (a matter of months or a couple of years from new). It is called Type 1 pitting.
A pinhole appears and water loss results.
I repeat that it is not flux and I am looking to hear of these 'unexplained' pinhole leaks please.
Many thanks.
I have been looking for instances of unexpected pinholes in new copper pipe. I have asked this before but we are up to our fifth leak.
Firstly, it is not flux. This is a traditional response from the plumbing community, but it isn't.
Secondly, it is not 'poor quality' copper or old copper from the 70's.
This is new from a top UK supplier.
I suspect that many pinholes are dismissed as 'flux' or 'poor copper' and simply replaced without realisation of the true root cause, and I suspect that the problem is going to become steadily worse as levels of phosphates are increased.
The EU Drinking Water Directive has mandated that ortho-phosphates be added to supplied water to reduce the level of lead pickup from old lead pipework. The levels were reduced even more in December 2013.
95% of UK water is now phosphate dosed.
However, this has had the effect, in borehole water areas of making the normal 'patina' that forms inside the copper pipe to be come friable and flake off exposing the 'naked copper' and corrosion quickly sets in (a matter of months or a couple of years from new). It is called Type 1 pitting.
A pinhole appears and water loss results.
I repeat that it is not flux and I am looking to hear of these 'unexplained' pinhole leaks please.
Many thanks.