I am posting here in desperation guys! I have a five year old 8kW dream heat pump which has worked reasonably well but with two intermittent faults: faulty sensor and low water flow. Th sensor fault turned out to be poor assembly (insulation damage) and the low water flow turned out to be a misaligned flow switch! Both were corrected easily and cheaply but yesterday another fault: machine became stuck on coooling , the lcd screen would not respond to the buttons beyond showing water tempewratures and switching on/off.
Being a retired plumber with some knowledge of heat pumps I disconnected the heating/cooling valve from the board terminal and connected it to the water pump supply and then switched the heat pump back on. Bingo, normal service was resumed! Keeping my eye on it, all was well until it needed to de-ice so I then swithed it off, disconnected the valve from the pump power and switched it back on and ten minutes later after de-icing was completed, reverted back to heating mode.
I have been in touch with Dream who turned out to be useless and have no after service arrangements. They say the pump is now 5 years old, way out of warranty and the controller itself has been superceded. They can provide a new controller at a cost of £140.oo plus £20.oo delivery but with no guarantees as they say the fault could lie elsewhere which is not possible as there are no other processors, everyting is either on the board or in the lcd device.
I have contacted the controller manufacturer in China (Guangdong Chico Electronic) but have yet to receive a reply so I am seeking help from you guys. Also does anyone know what the switch SW1 does (shown in the bottom right corner on the wiring diagram). Dream don't know but I am reluctant to touch it in case it does a reset of all parameters but ask because the controller can be bought with and without the lcd but disconnecting it does not enable the board to work on its own as per implied information from the manufacturer's website in fact I could not get the pump to work at all! SW1 is not referred to on the Chinese website.
Does anybody know if it is possible to get hold of an lcd screen even if if its only to try it. Dream say they don't think just changing the lcd screen will make any difference because, in their opinion, the problem is on the main board and in any case they don't supply the lcd on its own so I would have to buy both.
Well guys, here's hoping, Charles (Heap), Anglesey