does this sound ok, cant find my old post but I have been redoing my portfolio and here it is
for boiler installs and services:
Visual checks = fineLet by test = fine
Tightness test = fine
Working pressure = 0.8mb drop = fine, Gas rate-within MI spec.
spillagetest – fine, flue check – fine (no signs of distress),
Flue within minimum distances fromopening/ obstruction – fine
Bonding on meter, all fittings ok andpipe sealed in the wall, flame picture – fine, appliance seal- fine
Initial tightnesstest
Let by test pressure........10mb...... Pressure rise......0.................. Pass/Fail........Pass.......................
Stabilisation pressure....20mb........... Stabilisation time...1 mins..............
Allowable Pressure drop for pipe work............0mb......................in2 mins
Static pressure at meter...........23mb.....................
Allowable Pressure drop with appliances connected....4mb..............
Test pressure...20mb............ Test time......2 mins............ Pass/Fail
Give reasons for pass or fail.
All working fine, no leaks
then for the techincal details:
Working pressure at meter.......20mb...................
Working pressure at appliance.....19.2mb..............
Burner pressure…………………………15mb………
Flue gasanalyser readings
Gas ratecalculation
Meter start...892.974...........................................
Meter Finish....893.061........................................
Actual Gas rate per hr....2.62m3..........................
M/I gas rate per hr.....2.6m3 p/h..........................
for boiler installs and services:
Visual checks = fineLet by test = fine
Tightness test = fine
Working pressure = 0.8mb drop = fine, Gas rate-within MI spec.
spillagetest – fine, flue check – fine (no signs of distress),
Flue within minimum distances fromopening/ obstruction – fine
Bonding on meter, all fittings ok andpipe sealed in the wall, flame picture – fine, appliance seal- fine
Initial tightnesstest
Let by test pressure........10mb...... Pressure rise......0.................. Pass/Fail........Pass.......................
Stabilisation pressure....20mb........... Stabilisation time...1 mins..............
Allowable Pressure drop for pipe work............0mb......................in2 mins
Static pressure at meter...........23mb.....................
Allowable Pressure drop with appliances connected....4mb..............
Test pressure...20mb............ Test time......2 mins............ Pass/Fail
Give reasons for pass or fail.
All working fine, no leaks
then for the techincal details:
Working pressure at meter.......20mb...................
Working pressure at appliance.....19.2mb..............
Burner pressure…………………………15mb………
Flue gasanalyser readings
Gas ratecalculation
Meter start...892.974...........................................
Meter Finish....893.061........................................
Actual Gas rate per hr....2.62m3..........................
M/I gas rate per hr.....2.6m3 p/h..........................