Purchased for job as an extra to get the extended five year warranty on a danesmoor external(regular)
1 Initial inspection
Pretty standard packaging, looks like a pretty standard filter, flow directions marked on top of the product, Isolation valves pretty stiff once again pretty standard, quick browse of the instructions.. hmm we will see about that Worcester. Aesthetically not the best looking thing, but what filter is?
1.1 Installation
Well here is where the fun starts; Firstly I am sure this product was designed by some weasel that has never even touched a spanner; in my opinion the design is poor and heres why:
The way the product has been designed; it is only easy to fit when the return pipe is directly under a wall mounted boiler due to the fact you cannot reverse the flow config, In other words in must be installed on a vertical return pipe(after the last rad); where the return is also running upwards through the filter. If this is not the case its a right **** to install.
1.2 Performance
After leaving the newly install boiler run in for a few days, I simply couldn't resist splitting the filter open so see what it had collected, a small amount of magnetic sediment had been collected & also a small amount of non magnetic debris had been trapped in the non magnetic particle filter located at the bottom of the unit. Touche... not bad worcester no complaints here.
1.3 General Opinions
I surmise that due to this products expense compared to superior competitors on the market and Its poor design(as regards installation) WB have mostly likely accepted this product to be a failure and to increase sales have come up with their extended 5 year warranty offer if one is fitted. Touche once again Worcester its actually a reasonable deal(for my customers)
I score it 5/10 & that's generous
And as you may have guessed - I wont be thanking worcester for that.
You may find this review slightly pretentious, cynical or ill mannered mabey all three if your lucky.
In section 1.1 installation the word ''fun'' is mentioned; installation can only be considered fun if you consider "fun" to be shoving shards of broken glass up your arse.
1 Initial inspection
Pretty standard packaging, looks like a pretty standard filter, flow directions marked on top of the product, Isolation valves pretty stiff once again pretty standard, quick browse of the instructions.. hmm we will see about that Worcester. Aesthetically not the best looking thing, but what filter is?
1.1 Installation
Well here is where the fun starts; Firstly I am sure this product was designed by some weasel that has never even touched a spanner; in my opinion the design is poor and heres why:
The way the product has been designed; it is only easy to fit when the return pipe is directly under a wall mounted boiler due to the fact you cannot reverse the flow config, In other words in must be installed on a vertical return pipe(after the last rad); where the return is also running upwards through the filter. If this is not the case its a right **** to install.
1.2 Performance
After leaving the newly install boiler run in for a few days, I simply couldn't resist splitting the filter open so see what it had collected, a small amount of magnetic sediment had been collected & also a small amount of non magnetic debris had been trapped in the non magnetic particle filter located at the bottom of the unit. Touche... not bad worcester no complaints here.
1.3 General Opinions
I surmise that due to this products expense compared to superior competitors on the market and Its poor design(as regards installation) WB have mostly likely accepted this product to be a failure and to increase sales have come up with their extended 5 year warranty offer if one is fitted. Touche once again Worcester its actually a reasonable deal(for my customers)
I score it 5/10 & that's generous
And as you may have guessed - I wont be thanking worcester for that.
You may find this review slightly pretentious, cynical or ill mannered mabey all three if your lucky.
In section 1.1 installation the word ''fun'' is mentioned; installation can only be considered fun if you consider "fun" to be shoving shards of broken glass up your arse.