Mitsubishi Ecodan 2011 8.5kw
Hy Guys, I have just installed a second hand ecodan, all seemed to be going well until i noticed that the flow temp doesn't increase much, infact 2 degrees in 40 mins, then the pump shut off with a over temperature warning on the gas side.
I have it piped up to a 300l grant solar cylinder (Indirect).
On first glance I thought it was no circulation but I defiantly have circulation, spent hours making sure.
Inside the ecodan, the gas to the plate exchange pipe gets red hot, the return at the bottom stays cold.
I am using a ftc2. it configured for dhw only at the moment. I have a 5kw ecodan that works perfectly on the same setup.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Hy Guys, I have just installed a second hand ecodan, all seemed to be going well until i noticed that the flow temp doesn't increase much, infact 2 degrees in 40 mins, then the pump shut off with a over temperature warning on the gas side.
I have it piped up to a 300l grant solar cylinder (Indirect).
On first glance I thought it was no circulation but I defiantly have circulation, spent hours making sure.
Inside the ecodan, the gas to the plate exchange pipe gets red hot, the return at the bottom stays cold.
I am using a ftc2. it configured for dhw only at the moment. I have a 5kw ecodan that works perfectly on the same setup.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance