I installed a Gledhill 250L indirect unvented hot water cylinder which is making a bang/crack noise when the hot water is drawn from a tap.
It wont happen all the time, so there is no real pattern as to when it happens?
This is the second cylinder (of the same model) to behave like this at this property. The original cylinder I exchanged thinking it was faulty. I sent it back the manufacturers who tested it and claimed it was in fine, which at the time I found hard to believe. However, now the replacement is doing the same thing I have been forced to realise that there must be something else that is causing a problem. I have exhausted all the possibilities I could come up with, this one has got me stumped, any ideas?
It wont happen all the time, so there is no real pattern as to when it happens?
This is the second cylinder (of the same model) to behave like this at this property. The original cylinder I exchanged thinking it was faulty. I sent it back the manufacturers who tested it and claimed it was in fine, which at the time I found hard to believe. However, now the replacement is doing the same thing I have been forced to realise that there must be something else that is causing a problem. I have exhausted all the possibilities I could come up with, this one has got me stumped, any ideas?