We have an Old Thorn House warmer Spectacular 55 in Our Inglenook Fireplace in the living room, with Back Boiler running 9 rads & HW tank etc .
All Piped in by me with plastic micro bore.
Originally done in the 1980's and replaced about 4 years ago with modern plastic. Plastic used purely because of the type/latout of the house,
built in 1700's with Solid Floors and partition Walls. Most pipe work is hidden out of sight.
Its all worked very well despite what opinions others may have of plastic ?. but now. the boiler really needs improving.
The control Box packed up 4 days before Xmas ( 😡😡) . and still not sorted due to the festive time.
Been using electric imersion heater and the housewarmer front fire over Xmas. but a bit chilly in bed 😀.
Had the control box removed and sent away for repair to ADlINK UK in wembly, got it back Xmas eve, it ran for 20 minutes then packed up again.
So frustrating as its such a simple board.( wish I had a circuit diagram)
Its presently back for repair again under warranty.
I can get the thorn spares still, but ??%**%!!!! Expensive for what they are, and really would prefer to spend the money on improving the Boiler.
I qualify for Warm front in 3 weeks ?😉 ( old git) and maybe this boiler scrappage may have merit ??.
But its what do I do thats the prob ?.
The house has 15mm copper gas feed buried under floors to the Housewarmer in the living room. it goes up into 1 bedroom across 2 bedrooms and down into the living room.
Gas feed could go across fireplace into nearby airing cupboard ( where HW tank is ) and another white box boiler could go in there with Flue through into lean to annex and up thro' roof ?.
Fitting a white box in the Kitchen /dining room near the gas meter is a total No No, just nowhere to put it. plus water pipe access to rest of system ( manifolds etc ) is non existent. 😕.
I understand its tricky not seeing the setup but any suggestions with boiler types ?
The back boiler is perfect for this setup/layout but not E Friendly enough !! 😉
All Piped in by me with plastic micro bore.
Originally done in the 1980's and replaced about 4 years ago with modern plastic. Plastic used purely because of the type/latout of the house,
built in 1700's with Solid Floors and partition Walls. Most pipe work is hidden out of sight.
Its all worked very well despite what opinions others may have of plastic ?. but now. the boiler really needs improving.
The control Box packed up 4 days before Xmas ( 😡😡) . and still not sorted due to the festive time.
Been using electric imersion heater and the housewarmer front fire over Xmas. but a bit chilly in bed 😀.
Had the control box removed and sent away for repair to ADlINK UK in wembly, got it back Xmas eve, it ran for 20 minutes then packed up again.
So frustrating as its such a simple board.( wish I had a circuit diagram)
Its presently back for repair again under warranty.
I can get the thorn spares still, but ??%**%!!!! Expensive for what they are, and really would prefer to spend the money on improving the Boiler.
I qualify for Warm front in 3 weeks ?😉 ( old git) and maybe this boiler scrappage may have merit ??.
But its what do I do thats the prob ?.
The house has 15mm copper gas feed buried under floors to the Housewarmer in the living room. it goes up into 1 bedroom across 2 bedrooms and down into the living room.
Gas feed could go across fireplace into nearby airing cupboard ( where HW tank is ) and another white box boiler could go in there with Flue through into lean to annex and up thro' roof ?.
Fitting a white box in the Kitchen /dining room near the gas meter is a total No No, just nowhere to put it. plus water pipe access to rest of system ( manifolds etc ) is non existent. 😕.
I understand its tricky not seeing the setup but any suggestions with boiler types ?
The back boiler is perfect for this setup/layout but not E Friendly enough !! 😉