Hi, I need some help on this shower drain installation. I’m about to install a corner shower kit in my basement bathroom. But I just found out the shower drain is actually extruded from the bottom of the shower base and I have concrete floor with the drain pipe rough in. I have the drain pipe roughed based on the drain location, but I did not know that the drain is extruded beyond the bottom of the base. I have been using screwdrivers with a rubber hammer to knock some of the concrete around the pipe to have some clearance. The drain had a rubber gasket with a locker and the plastic drain part has a lip which keep the rubber in place. So I am thinking 3 ways to install the drain and I am more inclined to the 1st method. Any comments or advice on this is appreciated.
1. Cut the bottom of the drain as the red line shows in the picture. Let the bottom of the concrete as retaining the bottom of the rubber gasket. Install as the instruction. The instructions did ask to have 1/2 inch from the bottom of the drain to the surface. But I am thinking do not let the plastic drain has contact to the concrete so there is some buffer for the drain to move on the pvc pipe up and down. It won’t be 1/2 inch. Will most likely 1/4 inch. Should I concern any leaking issues if I do it this way?
2. Cut a piece of plywood exact shape like the shower base which is about 1/2 or 3/4 inch thick, so it gives me some clearance for the drain installation. I will need to use a caulk tape to seal between the base and the floor. But should I concern the board could be unstable as the glass sliding door will be installed later on the base.
3. Continue to chisel the concrete around the drain pipe until it has enough clearance to fit the drain. If I do that, do I need to chisel further to have the 1/2 inch clearance? It could take me days to do this but I can do it if needed.
1. Cut the bottom of the drain as the red line shows in the picture. Let the bottom of the concrete as retaining the bottom of the rubber gasket. Install as the instruction. The instructions did ask to have 1/2 inch from the bottom of the drain to the surface. But I am thinking do not let the plastic drain has contact to the concrete so there is some buffer for the drain to move on the pvc pipe up and down. It won’t be 1/2 inch. Will most likely 1/4 inch. Should I concern any leaking issues if I do it this way?
2. Cut a piece of plywood exact shape like the shower base which is about 1/2 or 3/4 inch thick, so it gives me some clearance for the drain installation. I will need to use a caulk tape to seal between the base and the floor. But should I concern the board could be unstable as the glass sliding door will be installed later on the base.
3. Continue to chisel the concrete around the drain pipe until it has enough clearance to fit the drain. If I do that, do I need to chisel further to have the 1/2 inch clearance? It could take me days to do this but I can do it if needed.