Hi, need your honest views if you would be so kind. I’m 48 and work for the NHS (office based) and earn 44k a year. Ive been do fustrated and fed up in my work for so long that I’ve enrolled to do my gas safe and become an engineer. I know it’s hard work but I’m really excited and I’d love to work for myself and possibly work for someone beforehand to get more experience. I’m ready to commit everything but am becoming a little nervous about the decision as obviously I will be out of work for months and months to do my training. My question is, do you think it’s worth it?….is the job good?….is there plenty of work?……is the work really complex and hard?……will I earn more money?.
I would really appreciate your honest views, do I go for it and take the massive jump, or stay as I am?.
I would really appreciate your honest views, do I go for it and take the massive jump, or stay as I am?.