What is the significance of the kg/hr stamped on danfoss nozzles, I have a 0.6 usgpm nozzle fitted in my 20/26kw Firebird SE boiler. 0.6 usgpm is 2.27LPH and my boiler output of 20kw at 84% efficiency reflects this more or less. 2.27 LPH = 1.79 kgs/hr (see table) at a kerosene SG of 0.79, there is also 2.37kgs/hr stamped on the nozzle, all other sized danfoss nozzles have two values on them as well. I thought it may have something to do with the pump pressures ie the usgpm at 6.9bar (100psi) and the 2.37kgs/hr at 8bar but increasing the pressure from 6.9 to 8 bar only gives a ~ output of, 1.79*(8/6.9)^2, 1.93kgs/hr.