Hi I am new to the site and would really appreciate some advice. I have a Bosch Worcester Heatslave 15/19 boiler. The heating Thermostat knob on the front panel clikcks right at the start of its clockwise travel and fires or turns the boiler off no matter how long the boiler has been fired and is running. Am I wrong to expect the click and the boiler to fire further up the scale. It can be running for hours and still click if turned right at the bottom temperature.
Also the Honeywell roomstat sometimes the light is on either side of the click if that makes sense. I thought the light came on as the temperature knob was turned and you heard the audible click as the stat called for more heat. Do you think the two things could be related.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Also the Honeywell roomstat sometimes the light is on either side of the click if that makes sense. I thought the light came on as the temperature knob was turned and you heard the audible click as the stat called for more heat. Do you think the two things could be related.
Thanks in advance for any help.