Afternoon Fellas
If anyone has time to help with this snag it'd be much appreciated.
We have a wet-floor system controlled by John Guest UH3 and rather dated Heatmiser DT thermostats.
One of the upstairs zones is combined for the bedroom/dressing room. So that's 2 rooms, 2 manifolds, but one thermostat (in bedroom).
Just recently the temperatures (set at 17 degrees) have been behaving oddly. The bedroom will not heat up at all and shows 15 degrees in the morning. The dressing room meanwhile seems to overheat, I would guess 22/23 degrees and the carpet is warm to the touch. The controller correctly shows Power, Boiler, Valve and Zone light and both zone manifolds open.
All other zones work as advertised.
Any ideas out there please?
Anything I can try or check at this stage please?
If anyone has time to help with this snag it'd be much appreciated.
We have a wet-floor system controlled by John Guest UH3 and rather dated Heatmiser DT thermostats.
One of the upstairs zones is combined for the bedroom/dressing room. So that's 2 rooms, 2 manifolds, but one thermostat (in bedroom).
Just recently the temperatures (set at 17 degrees) have been behaving oddly. The bedroom will not heat up at all and shows 15 degrees in the morning. The dressing room meanwhile seems to overheat, I would guess 22/23 degrees and the carpet is warm to the touch. The controller correctly shows Power, Boiler, Valve and Zone light and both zone manifolds open.
All other zones work as advertised.
Any ideas out there please?
Anything I can try or check at this stage please?