Having just installed TRVs on my CH system, I have been wondering about how I get the best and most economical performance from the system.
Obviously fitting TRVs is a good way to make the rooms comfortable but I am thinking have I got the boiler set to it's optimal setting?. Its an Ideal Classic 55 an open vented system it also heats the water and for some wacky reason is setup so that the hot water is always being heated if the heating is on i.e you can not have it set to heat radiators only (although you can heat hot water only). Furthermore the radiator in the bathroom is always on if the water is being heated and apparently I must not put a TRV on that rad.
So all well and good, but what about the boiler setting? a knob numbered from zero/off to 6. Obviously this controls the temperature of the water as it leaves the boiler - I assume that's correct. But what should it be set at for optimal effciency and economy. It has always been set at 3 from the time it was installed 11 years ago and I was never given any kind of reason as to why 3 was chosen - probably because it was in the middle. The guy just said if it gets "real parky" I could turn it up a bit or if I want more hot water & quicker. But that hardly seems a great, well considered instruction.
Obviously fitting TRVs is a good way to make the rooms comfortable but I am thinking have I got the boiler set to it's optimal setting?. Its an Ideal Classic 55 an open vented system it also heats the water and for some wacky reason is setup so that the hot water is always being heated if the heating is on i.e you can not have it set to heat radiators only (although you can heat hot water only). Furthermore the radiator in the bathroom is always on if the water is being heated and apparently I must not put a TRV on that rad.
So all well and good, but what about the boiler setting? a knob numbered from zero/off to 6. Obviously this controls the temperature of the water as it leaves the boiler - I assume that's correct. But what should it be set at for optimal effciency and economy. It has always been set at 3 from the time it was installed 11 years ago and I was never given any kind of reason as to why 3 was chosen - probably because it was in the middle. The guy just said if it gets "real parky" I could turn it up a bit or if I want more hot water & quicker. But that hardly seems a great, well considered instruction.