Hi all, and thanks for reading my question! I have an old 16" fireplace that houses a lovely perfectly working old redfyre back boiler that after a few hours of burning coal and wood,produces loads of very hot water, however the fire doesn't throw much heat in to the room, could I in theory,after removing the old fire grate, fit an inset steel or cast iron stove into the recess and back it onto the back boiler and still get a little hot water from it? it seems a shame to rip out the working back boiler when it works so well but I'd really like to make the fireplace more efficient for the purpose of room heating if i possibly can. I've looked into the idea of replacing all with a boiler stove but have found it impossible to find a reliable guy who will take on the plumbing side of things, so am considering a simpler option, i realize the water wouldn't get as hot as when a naked flame is licking at the boiler, but maybe it would act as a starter to help warm the hot water cylinder that sits above it upstairs,
Just asking??!!
Just asking??!!