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This weekend we did out BPEC water regulations! The folder for these regs is huge and very daunting.

The way we went through it was read the summary at the end of each chapter and then do the questions, then flick through the chapter.

This was the easiest way to get through them. We had Brian for the day course and the exam, so, the best person to ask about the exam was Brian. I was told not to worry about the exam and just go through the book.

I believed what I had been told and although I did not find the exam easy I passed. Thank you very much Brian.

The presentation was direct, to the point and as interesting as anyone can make water regs.

Everyone i spoke to about the day was happy and Brian had managed to make everyone laugh at one point or another.

On a lighter note, Brian, my tool box will always contain a potato....

Thanks again Brian.
Can you tell me the format of the water regs exam, is it multible choice answers or some other form. Im taking mine in april. Iv studied the book front to back but, I cant find anything on the exam its self.
Thanks Steve
Hello Steve,

The exam is an open book exam, in the question it gives you the page numbers the questions refer to and the module.

The time is just about adequate. The problem is you tend to doubt the answers your sure of and look everything up! This was the general feeling of a lot of people I spoke to.

The paper is divided into two parts and the pass mark is 80% for both parts, if you get 70% you get another chance to answer the questions you got wrong. Most of the questions are multiple choice but there are a few which you have to write answers to. Don't stress though it is only a few words not an essay.

A lot of us did not find the paper easy but if you now feel worried, DON'T BE, there were about 25 taking the exam and I think everyone passed.

Good Luck
We all took our Gola exam today. No one thought that it was a walk in the park and the vast majority thought that it was very difficult. The terminology used by C & G in places was confusing and the questions were un-necessarily complicated and written very poorly.

The positives are that the vast majority of the group passed.

As we walked into the exam room everyones spirits lifted as we saw Mark and Simon, the odd joke from Mark before the exam started lifted the dark cloud of impending doom slightly. It was quite good that his voice had returned just enough.....

I found it quite re-assuring to see Simon meandering through the room in his slow confident manner in a way that only Simon can.

If we had a problem with a term used on the paper or didn't understand they would assist in re-phrasing that word.

We're now steaming forward into the great abyss that is unvented hot water then next week this roller coaster ride hits Part P head on. In the words of Suburban Plumber
"Bring it on"

Finally, Mark and Simon, Thanks for today..
Our penultimate week, half the group have had to finish the lead aspect of there portfolio whilst the other half were doing maintenance. The week had rumbled forward slowly, I am getting the impression that the group is now quite tired. Although, in general no exam appears too difficult on its own, there have been a lot of exams, they are beginning to take there toll.

Steve, kicked off the maintenance and has an excellent sense of humour and the little gems of info he gives you are priceless.

The one aspect of the whole course that is bewildering is how does it all work together? This was answered by Mark. In his own style and humour he manages to explain the daunting junction box to us. We all manage to find the faults on the system Woo Hoo! In the afternoon, it was power flushing, unfortunately for Mark, I think the groups heads were still spinning a little from the morning.

Friday, we sorted out our portfolios after a 2 hour wait because one member of the group hadn't had any work signed off! obviously, being CONTINUALLY told to keep your portfolio up to date and get it signed off, quite clearly fell on deaf ears there...... Very frustrating for the whole group and the instructors.

George, came in and spoke to the group on running, starting up and advertising your company etc. Again very informative and very funny in places. I learnt a lot about the yellow pages and will be looking a lot closer at ads from now on. Thanks

Today, we did unvented hot water. I think everyone in attendance would agree that it was a little long winded but Brian did well and we had to be given the presentation. The problem is the vast majority had read the book and the presentation was a replica of the book.

BPEC could have altered the content to make it a little more varied. Just to reinforce I think Brian did an excellent job with the material he was given and little room to change the script. Two exams later and then a practical I believe the whole group passed.

A long day for all concerned though. I like to finish on a positive, George who was Mark's able assistant today was quite funny and very helpful. Maybe, the next course could see a little more of George in the workshop or teaching?

Part P next week, a little daunted by the electrical side but looking forward to it.
Hi secret squirrel
Thanks for the info on the water regs exam it was very helpful as now I know what to expect. Thanks again Steve
Well well well, one week (and Part P )to go!

First up a massive vote of thanks to Mark and Brian for their tireless support on saturday. I've found most of the exams fairly straightforward but this weekend somehow i managed to work myself into a bit of a tizzy about Unvented Hot Water Systems, But the guys confidence rubbed off on me and I passed.

On to Part P!
We're on our last day tomorrow, I only have the part P practical to complete. which with a little bit of sweat I'll pass.

So, here we are 10 weeks later: C & G 6089 NVQ level 2 plumbing Cert, C & G 6129 tech level 2 plumbing cert, Bpec level 3 unvented hot water, Bpec level 3 Water Regs, Bpec level 3 energy efficiency cert and Part p.

There has been blood, sweat and tears. Hopefully, not all at the same time but we're ready to "rock & roll".

Am I confident? Yes and No, I'm realistic and will only do small jobs until I find my feet and help is a phone call away.

Having said that, seeing some of the work I've had done on my house and witnessing the work on my friends houses I'm very confident. We've all been told take your time and don't rush.

I would at this point like to thank all the instructors on the course, who have all been superb and dealt with the relentless and sometimes stupid questions with humour and forgiveness.

I'm sure we have made the instructors earn there pay over the last few weeks as at times they have all looked worn out. I have wanted and got as much knowledge from them as I possibly could (along with suburban plumber)

Would I recommend VIY and the 10 week course. YES, looking back my only real issue is at points there is a lack of organisation, which is a bit annoying more than anything else.

Thanks again Mark, Simon, Brian and Steve. Special thanks to Mark and Simon who have completed a lot of the classroom work with us as well as the workshops

Keep up the excellent work.
At VIY What did everybody staying in the hotels do in the evenings?
At £100 for a weeks accomodation, it sounds like a bargain but do you get wi-fi and sky tv etc...
10 weeks is a long time to spend away from home.. or do a large part of the group come from far and stay in hotels?
when i went mate last summer, the b&b we stayed in had wifi, a bar, and every room had a tv. dont worry you will have plenty to do after class (usually for a couple down the pub.lol) and at the weekend(even though alot of people seemed to go home at the weekend, even those stayin in the B&Bs) I had a brillaint time, Leeds is a happening city, as long as you enjoy a drink and a night on the town, you will love both headingly and leeds centre. I also went and visited the Royal armouries while I was there, Id reccomend it, I had a really good day there. Hopeuflly this was helpful.
Hello Pipedreamer,

I stayed at the Ashmount hotel for 10 weeks, we had free wi fi and access to a microwave. There wasn't a bar but we all had a tv. There were cereals laid on for us in the morning and we had a large LCD tv with sky etc in the dining room. There were 4 of us who stayed at the hotel and 3 of us had our own bathroom. I would not have wanted to share.

We met up most evenings and did a bit of revision and cleared up any issues we had with the days lessons. One of us invariably had the solution. We always had questions about an hour after we left. Most of us were on a budget and going out every night was not an option. I don't think we wanted to either because we were all quite tired. (maybe thats my age though!)

Personally, I went home at the weekends except for the last 3 where we did extra exams. I was lucky and got on with the people in the hotel and went for sunday lunch etc.

Hope this helps, any ?'s please ask away.
Now then
The ten weeks are up and what an amazing journey it was.

In the light of my previous posts I thought I ought to do a wrap up on how the course went, what I got out of it, and how I feel it equips me for the future.

The ten weeks flew by, all of a sudden its spring and the mornings are light and the suburbs are full of people wanting new kitchens.

The course got better and better as it went on, after a boring start with Joe Awkward the course really did exceed my expectations, and despite working myself up into a state a couple of times I was able to pass all my exams.

Yes there was the unfortunate falling out with George, but the mark of great customer service isn’t what happens when things are going well, its measured by how things are handled when they are going badly and VIY passed with flying colours.

I posted what I thought was a lighthearted review of the course so far and George was mortified to see himself mentioned and flew of the handle.

What I could never have known at the time is that George has been the victim of cyber crime and any mention of VIY online causes him enormous stress. He felt threatened and over reacted, I felt bullied and put my tin helmet on, he apologized, I accepted his apology and we’ve gotten on famously since then. It takes a very big man to make a heartfelt apology in front of his customers and staff, but it was what was needed and George’s apology was defiantly sincere.

Enough of the spat – what was the course like?

The training has two outputs
Teaching plumbing skills and techniques
Teaching regulations and how to understand and pass the exams
The two different streams are occasionally at odds with each other and team VIY make a good job of riding both horses.

The exams
With the average age of students being mid 30’s it’s been a while since most of us had sat in a class room, let alone sat an exam. So Mark had his work cut out keeping our attention and soothing our pre exam nerves. Although most of us passed most exams first time. The exams were an interesting bone of contention amongst the students. The actual content of the exams is fairly easy as it relates to plumbing and the water regulations. However the way the exams are put together by the NVQ people is frankly rubbish, frequently the exam papers contradict the course work, or the technical terms we’ve been taught and read in the books are not used. If I were being cynical I might think that the person who puts the exam papers together is trying to reduce the pass rate by making the papers less relevant to the books and practice of plumbing.

The Water Regs
When you first receive your huge folder of densely typed legalese the regs look really daunting. But they actually only come down to a few principles and the summery at the end of each chapter explains what you need to know in English.

This is the biggest exam you sit and was the only exam we sat using computers and it’s closed book. I was shocked and delighted to find that I KNEW THE ANSWERS. Fairly stressful but as another poster on this thread reassured it is actually just going over stuff you’ve already learned.

Unvented systems and energy efficiency were not the most thrilling Saturday mornings I’ve ever spent, but the certification does open some doors.

Part P
Firstly DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING ON A PLUMBING COURSE THAT DOSEN”T INCLUDE PART P – lots of plumbers don’t have it but three out of five offers of work I’ve had have been as a result of having it.

The exam isn’t easy or really related to you ability to safely work on electrical systems. The practical was straightforward but most of the exam is about your ability to look up regulations is a very thick book.

I’ve got big Mark up one last time here: He was a fantastic tutor, without his input the days would have dragged by; instead he kept an endless stream of banter going with the students, answered every question as many times, in as many different ways as he had to, ensuring that everyone had got the point. His endless patience was a credit to him and to VIY.

The practical
VIY have this part SO right I cannot say enough good things about Brian, Simon and Steve’s patience and practical insights. Everyone found some part of the process they could take a delight in, and even the least experienced members of the class were soon turning out neater plumbing than I’ve seen in many people’s houses.

Simon is the most patient and avuncular man alive. His quiet charm really did inspire huge confidence in everyone. He was always on hand to offer guidance and a word of encouragement. Simon may have missed his vocation – if he could teach me that much maths in that short a time, maybe he should have been a teacher and the numptys who failed to teach me at school should have been plumbers!

Brian was already plumbing when god was in short trousers, and can not only answer any question you could ever think of, but can give you the historical perspective on how a fitting was developed or a regulation evolved in the transition from water bylaws to water regulations. If you’re interested in developing another revenue stream he is the man to go to when you want to learn lead working – a real traditional plumbers skill.

Steve taught the maintenance sessions and if it hasn’t happened to him it doesn’t involve plumbing. What ever you ask, he’s seen it and three different ways to fix it. I really enjoyed his sessions and even when we were in the hell of low carbon steel he was a beacon of good cheer.

So ten weeks on I’ve learned a lot and in my first week have already found two prospects and three jobs.

Would I recommend VIY

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