Definitely sounds like heat ex running into condensate, especially when youre saying condense pipe for quite it's length is warm to touch. Like stokecity says if condensate still dripping when no demand on, then theirs yours problem...had this on many Baxi 105 he's
An update. Had BG out this afternoon and they have completely isolated the boiler - i.e. re-pressurised, switched off and disconnected the various (non-gas) pipes under the boiler. So...will leave this overnight and see what happens in terms of the pressure. No water in the buckets yet! The guys said if the pressure was the same in the morning he would fire up the boiler but leave the condensate disconnected to see if any water was running through when it was 'live'. At least it's helping to move things along.
From everything that has been said here that should at least tell us if its the boiler or the pipes!!