eCT Projects | eaga Charitable Trust
The Trust was founded by eaga Partnership Ltd in 1993. Established as a non-profit distributing organisation in 1990, eaga now a Public Limited Company with a 51% employee ownership, delivering programmes across the UK on behalf of central government, the devolved administrations, utilities and local authorities.
• eaga is a green support services company, a leader in the provision of outsourced services, products and solutions that
address the environmental and social objectives of Government and the private sector. eaga's key market drivers are centred
around climate change and social inclusion.
• eaga is the UK’s largest residential energy efficiency provider. Working in partnership with central and local Government,
utility companies and other commercial organisations, eaga operates across the UK and in the Republic of Ireland, India and
Canada, employing around 5,000 people.
• eaga was established in 1990 as a private limited company to lead Government-funded efforts to improve the living
conditions of vulnerable people living in cold, damp and energy inefficient homes across England. In 2000, the company
was restructured to become a 100% employee owned business.
• eaga floated on the main market of the London Stock Exchange on 7 June 2007. However, the company’s commitment to
employee ownership remains resolute, with over 37% of shares in the business held in trust on behalf of its 5,000 employees.
• Since 1993, eaga has invested over £3.2m in the independent eaga Charitable Trust which funds research into solutions to
fuel poverty. In addition, eaga works closely with the Community Foundation, donating over £100k in the year to 31 May
2009 to fund local projects that make a positive difference in the communities in which we live and serve.
"was restructured to become a 100% employee owned business"
There are some very clever people around, it reminds of when the railways/water companies were privatised, those in the know made millions...
another snippet ..
And the share prices of most FM oriented companies were relatively becalmed as Mr Osborne spoke with the likes of Capita and Serco seeing their shares end the day marginally ahead despite the wider market slipping back. But there were signs of some concern in the falling share prices of the likes of social housing specialists Connaught and Mears Group, with concern that the clampdown on housing benefit costs could spill over into the social housing sector. Also eaga, which administers the government’s Warm Front and digital switchover programmes, saw its shares slip back on worries about the future of such social programmes.