Alrite lads, ive only been GSR about 6 months now but ive worked for 3 years on gas with previous employers and NEVER seen or heard of this...story goes...im called out to rectify a gas leak as transco or someone capped it due to a leak they state was coming from the baonet fixing on a hob! i tell the customer solid pipe is required and begin the job, awkward but im done in a hour or so and theres still a pressure drop, i find out the gas was fitted by some unregisterd people and ther seems to be leaks every where..after redoing the hob 4-5 times (being un-confident due to just satrting out on my own) and rectifying many over leaks its still dropping..so i run new piping from the meter to the boiler and cap it in the kitchen to check my work, all sound...i connect to hob and my manometer reads no oressure!! i check all joints with detection fluid, all sound..then itake outmy fga which has a gas sensor, after still getting a skight detection of gas undee the hob im baffked and decide to check tje burntrs as the drop test suggests an open end..turns out 3/5 of the burners were releasing gas on there own!!
Has anyone had this before and no the reason??? ive reokaced the hob now as it was still under warranty but id like to know fir the future, cheers lads (sorry its so long)! 🙂
Has anyone had this before and no the reason??? ive reokaced the hob now as it was still under warranty but id like to know fir the future, cheers lads (sorry its so long)! 🙂